Tag Archives: fungi

Flora and Fauna


A late season bee at work.
A late season bee at work.
Berries still hanging around late in the season.
Berries still hanging around late in the season.

The world of the small – the details are finer, the efforts are bigger.

Fall is here, but nature still struggles to produce fruit and create seeds for the next year.  The birds and bees are still hard at work collecting for the Winter ahead.

A few late-blooming and determined flowers and berries are still out there.

Fungi and Lichens

Amazing colours.
Amazing colours.
How delicate is this.  The cap glows white and the stem is almost invisible.  The cap is only 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch across.
How delicate is this. The cap glows white and the stem is almost invisible. The cap is only 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch across.
An incredible tree fungus at Lighthouse Point in Ucluelet.
An incredible tree fungus at Lighthouse Point in Ucluelet.

I am constantly fascinated by the incredible selection of Fungi and Lichen that grow all over the Island.

Lately I have so many different varieties, from Long Beach, Neck Point and the Morrell Sanctuary and my own front yard – that I am amazed.

I don’t know names or uses of any the fungi but I am still fascinated.  When I have the time I will have to learn about these amazing growths.

Lichen grows everywhere.  But especially loves fallen branches.
Lichen grows everywhere. But especially loves fallen branches.

Happy Viewing
