A Moping Moment……Thank-you for listening.

A good read at many points in my life!

There is a book by Robert Heinlein – The Past Through Tomorrow.  It is a collection of stories that moves from the past through today and far into the future.  I have read it quite a few times, each time from a different perspective, as each time I am a different person.  It also reminds that for everything there is a reason and sometimes the reason does not show itself until later.

I have been thinking much of my past and my future and how everything is connected into the now.

Cathedral Grove - a calm place!

Life has been very hectic of late.  A lot of family, a lot of work, a lot of change.  Like most times in our lives, some of the change is positive and some is negative.  How we manage the change, how it impacts our decisions, sets our future activities.

I cope with the negative by focusing on the positives in my life and re-imaging the negatives into their most positive aspects – I have been told that I am a glass half full type of person!  I don’t believe that it is a bad thing to be.  Right at this moment I am having difficultly with my management technique – LIFE is a little too full!

Hemer Park - reflections on life.

I am going to knit some more and think some more and cope some more.  Knitting has brought me much solace through all the bad times before and will through the bad times ahead!  Thinking allows me to understand and therefore cope with the situation.  Coping takes me into the next day and the day after that until life has settled down.

Thank-you for listening……I am done with my moping and will go back to my knitting.

Happy Knitting


0 thoughts on “A Moping Moment……Thank-you for listening.”

  1. I seem to always have the same thoughts going through my mind – thank you. I will have to read the Robert Heinlein book you mentioned. Both my husband and I have always enjoyed his read.

  2. My thoughts …
    It is funny how as one grows older one begins to realize what is important and what is not important and you would be surprise at the little that is really important.
    Slow down, prioritize and enjoy …
    From a woman that just turned 64 and just woke up … Good morning! (-:

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