Yesterday I met….

Some of my early stranded colourwork.

A most interesting knitting designer.  His name is Abbott Smith and he designs under the name BlackSmith Knitting and I would describe him as a Renaissance man.  He is an artist, teacher, photographer, has done some blacksmithing, has made his own knitting needles, has no fear of learning and 18 months ago he decided to teach himself to knit.  As an artist Abbott is passionate about colour and how colours play off each other and this was a big focus in our conversation.  It should be no surprise that the type of knitting he is drawn to is stranded colourwork.

After only 18 months of knitting Abbott is now designing for Jamieson’s and works with their Shetland Spindrift yarn.  To date he has designed 2 hats (tam or toorie styling) with the most incredible colour shadings.  You can see some of his work on Ravelry – it is truly gorgeous.  I’m looking forward to seeing more of his work.

Rainbow Mittens

I think that I am about to work on a little more Fair-isle!

Happy Knitting


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