The Birds and the Bee’s and the Flowers and the Tree’s

Small grace notes in a busy weekend.
Small grace notes in a busy weekend.
Bee's were everywhere!
Bee’s were everywhere!

This weekend was all about the quiet and the high notes that make up our lives.

Spotted Towhee serenades as we walk by.
Spotted Towhee serenades as we walk by.

Herons on the beach; Eagles on high; Robins, Red Winged Blackbirds and the Spotted Towhees in the trees serenade us as we walk by.  Hummingbirds and bees move at the speed of light, buzzing in flight, both enormously busy at this time of year.

Rain spotted Thimble berry bloom.
Rain spotted Thimble berry bloom.

From walks in the parks we find the new flowers; at the Chase River Estuary every type of local berry is in bloom – we saw wild strawberry blossoms and wild black berry blossoms; the salmon berries are still blooming and the thimble berries have joined in.

Perfect Wild Rose
Perfect Wild Rose

The wild honeysuckle is blooming, my honeysuckle is still a week or two away.  The Wild Roses have just started blooming as well.  Bushes and trees are flowering and seeding with the approach of Summer and new growth is everywhere.

The never ending horizon.
The never-ending horizon.

At Neck Point the horizon went on forever this morning as the mainland was socked in with the clouds that brought the rain later in the day!  Two water turtles were sunning on a log in the small pond by the parking lot – I had never seen turtles that big, the shells on each had to be at least 12 inches across!

Amazing turtles
Amazing turtles
Beauty Emerging
Beauty Emerging

Thirteen for dinner last night.  I cooked the Easter Turkey as we were away at Easter and it was a wonderful evening with friends and family.  Tonight is just family and that will be wonderful as well!

People create art everywhere.
People create art everywhere.

Some of the plants that have been waiting to be planted got into the ground before the heavy rains fell – the rest will have to wait!

Hope that you are having a great weekend.  With friends, family and as much of both as you wish!

Happy Mother’s Day


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